Contribute Money to Help AJP and
My NY Attorney General Election Campaign

Your contribution is needed to be able to extend the reach and effectiveness of this effort to implement the 16-issue and 40-issue reforms, including my campaign to become New York Attorney General (making it much easier to implement these reforms. Also, if I reach a certain level of contributions, I may be able to obtain matching funds, which would in effect make your contribution count twice as much. You can make your contribution by credit card, PayPal or check.

If contributing by check, please make your check payable to Carl E. Person for NY Attorney General 2006 Campaign, and mail it with your contact information to:

Carl E. Person for NY Attorney General 2006 Campaign
325 W. 45th St. - Suite 201
New York NY 10036-3803

Don't forget to include your contact information and make sure you subscribe to my email RSS/Updates.

If paying by PayPal or Credit card, Click Here

Carl E.Person