Books by Carl E. Person
Carl Person wrote 3 books during late 2004 going into outsourcing and globalization from various standpoints. One book is for persons thinking about becoming a lawyer, actually attending law school, or being a graduate of law school (up to about 5 years or so). This book is A Law Career - To Avoid the Evil Economic Trio of Outsourcing, Globalization and Declining Standard of Living (self published, $19.95, paperback).
The 2nd book in the trilogy is Self Employment - To Avoid the Evil Economic Trio of Outsourcing, Globalization and Declining Standard of Living (self published, $19.95, paperback). This book is intended for persons not qualifying for the first book, and uses about 80% to 85% of the material from the first book, with appropriate changes to explain how higher education has priced itself out of range for many Americans, and how they would be better off getting into self employment right away and purchasing educational services as needed, and at much lower cost. The ability of Americans to shell out $50,000 per year for 4 years of college for each child has been taken away by a variety of factors, including political corruption, outsourcing, globalization, and (I might add) the failure of too many Americans to support reform parties such as the NYS Green Party.
The 3rd book (the best, I believe, and the one most relevant to my election campaign), is Saving Main Street and Its Retailers (self-published, $19.95, paperback). This book introduces and develops the concept of the Town Attorney General, and I further develop the concept in my 2005 website Town Attorney General.
All 3 books are described and may be purchased in their paperback edition through Lawmall Website for Person's 3 Books - Paperback Edition.
Just for historical purposes, I also wrote a best-selling hardcover book published by Doubleday (now out of print) entitled "The Save-by-Borrowing Technique", which discussed the various ways in which the average person could obtain borrowing leverage in a broad range of investment types.
Wal-Mart Cartoon Commissioned by Carl E. Person
Here is a political cartoon recently created according to Carl Person's specifications:
Most Relevant Websites by Carl E. Person- This American Jobs Party website, with URL Person's 40-Issue Website for Campaign to be Elected as New York Attorney General
- Carl Person's 16-Issue website for Town and Village Elections, URL Person's 16-Issue Website for Town/Village Elections
- Attorney Person's website about using a "town attorney general" to represent a small town or village and its residents and small businesses against the numerous and continuing violations of law by major corporations that are illegally taking away the jobs, property values, and standard of living from residents, and illegally putting local small businesses out of business. See Town Attorney General Website
- Attorney Person's ebook entitled "Dropping Out" eBook in Progress Entitled "Dropping Out by Attorney Carl Person
- Attorney Person's website on the Robinson-Patman Act, a federal statute prohibiting price discrimination in the form of discriminatory rebates or other discriminatory payments or benefits to major retailer chains, with resulting higher prices to smaller competitors Website on the federal Robinson-Patman Act Prohibiting Price Discrimination
- Attorney Person's "rebates" website encouraging consumers who have not received their promised rebates to take appropriate action. See Rebates Help Center Website
- Attorney Person's "latefees" website providing a means for consumers to avoid payment of outrageous late fees and other penalties for failure to meet a deadline. See Late-Fee Avoidance Website
- Attorney Person's "jobtheft" website explaining why the current practice of taking jobs from one area and selling them to another is outrageous and illegal. See Job-Theft Website
- Attorney Person's 4 websites on prosecutorial abuse: Prosecutorial Abuse Website; 2nd Prosecutorial Abuse Website; Website about Forfeiture Laws and Prosecutorial Abuse; and Website about Plea Bargaining and Prosecutorial Abuse
Pictures and Graphics
Picture of Carl Person Dressed as a Solicitor General - Person Attired as Solicitor General
Another Picture of Carl Person - Picture of Carl Person
Seal Designed for a Town Attorney General - Seal for Town Attorney General
(Note: The Town Attorney General does not exist at the writing of this website, and never has existed in the United States. But the office should exist, to protect the nation's citizens, other residents and small businesses from destructive exploitation by the major corporations of the world.)
Carl Person's Mayoral Campaign Poster - Fullsize Campaign Poster and Thumbnail Campaign Poster
40 Election Issues: 1-Line Description (Statewide Office)
40 Election Issues: Full Discussion (Statewide Office)
16 Election Issues (Town/Village Office)
NY AG - The 2nd Most Powerful Office in U.S.
New Revenue-Source Article for Mayors of 18,500 Towns/Villages
Person's Books, Websites, Graphics
How You Can Help Carl Person Get Elected as NY Attorney General