FREE Offer to View/Download Person's 3 Books
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The 3 books and the related file names (for the book and thumbnail cover) are:- Self Employment - To Avoid the Evil Economic Trio of Outsourcing, Globalization and Declining Standard of Living by Carl E. Person. Note: The two files for this book are Sx01.pdf and cover2thumb.jpg
- Saving Main Street and Its Retailers by Carl E. Person. Note: the two file for this ook are Mx07endx.pdf and cover3thumb.jpg
- A Law Career Is the Smart Way - To Avoid the Evil Economic Trio of Outsourcing, Globalization and Declining Standard of Living by Carl E. Person. The two files for this book are 5YPcepL4.pdf and cover1thumb.jpg. Note: Self-Employment and A Law Career have a 80% to 85% overlap in content, one geared to readers interested in a law career (especially for its self employment value) and the other for persons interested in self-employment but not as a lawyer.
I am trying to become New York State Attorney General through election on November 7, 2006. For reasons I have given elsewhere in this website, the New York Attorney General is the 2nd most powerful elected official in the country, second only to the President.
I am a graduate of Harvard Law School, and worked for several years as a "Wall Street lawyer" in several Wall Street law firms. In one firm, I was often mistaken for a newly-hired partner named Richard Milhous Nixon, after he lost to JFK and before Nixon became President.
Since 1968, I have been an individual practitioner of law, litigating antitrust and civil rights cases in federal and state courts against large corporations and against federal, state and local governments. The large corporations invariably are represented in the courts by lawyers from the largest law firms in the United States.
With this experience of more than 40 years as a background, I have come to understand much about the United States that is not known to citizens on a different career path. I understand far more about the ways in which government operates because I have spent more than 40 years working the judicial part of the system for checks and balances built into the United States Constitution. The Constitutional checks and balances are based on the powers of the President, the Congress and the Judiciary. These checks and balances no longer work, and the United States is being taken away from its citizens by legal tricks that are too sophisticated for non-lawyers to detect, and not disclosed to the public anyway because the media - through legal tricks - have become monopolized and devoted to helping the multinational corporations steal everything they can from the public, even (or especially) money representing the work of Americans for the next 20 or 30 years (through piling up of debt for workers while paying that money over to the multinationals).
Almost everthing is presented other than it really is, and you need as an interested citizen and voter need to have a source of information to give you the insight you need to save your country and the American Dream. It is being taken away from you. You understand that this is taking place. You somehow believe that others are aware of the problem and will take care of it for you, if anything can be done. And as a result, you slip deeper and deeper into the black hole that the multinationals and others are digging for you.
I have written three books that tell you what you need to know to be able to understand what needs to be done. There is a cure for the problems associated with outsourcing, globalization and your declining standard of living, which I refer to as "The Evil Economic Trio". A pdf copy of each of my three books is available to AJP RSS/Update Subscribers FREE to read, download and to pass on to your friends, relatives and associates.
After you read any of my three books, you will understand how important it is that you help to take back our country from the multinational corporations.
Saving Main Street and Its Retailers - Option to Read or Download
If you are a small businessperson or come from a small-business family, you should read Saving Main Street and Its Retailers. This book explains how small, independent retailers, jobbers and wholesalers, and manufacturers of all sizes, are being put out of business all over the United States, with resulting loss of jobs, savings, opportunity, hope and standard of living. For all the losses suffered by citizens and other residents of the United States, there are those who are taking those losses for their huge profit. This group of profiteers as a group are the multinational corporations. In my book, I discuss how the federal government has failed to do anything to stop this stealing of America, because the control of America has already shifted to the thieves and what more could you expect. My insight with 40 years of working in litigation, law and courts is to come up with a way in which federal law enforcement can be decentralized, from the single person elected President of the United States (who controls through his appointees who gets sued and who doesn't get sued), to the 18,500 towns and villages in the United States, where nobody at this time can control everyone of such towns and villages (although as you probably are thinking there is one corporation who might well be in a position to exercise such control - Wal-Mart and its subsidiary Sam's Club - which is six times larger than Target, its closest competitor in size).
Saving Main Street and Its Retailers is where I introduce my concept for transfer of federal powers to local governments through the appointment of a "Town Attorney General", to do for the town or village or county what the federal and state attorneys general should be doing for the country, BUT ARE NOT. I explain how the failure of the federal and state governments to enforce the nation's antitrust laws is the primary cause of globalization and outsourcing, and how the nation's 18,500 towns and villages can start enforcing these laws for the benefit of their respective communities, to put the genie of outsourcing and globalization back into its bottle.
This is the best book of the 3 for anyone to read, and if you are interested at all in reading the book, I suggest that you read its last chapter (ch 30) first. I have pulled this chapter out for convenience and its link is Chapter 30 - Word Document. [Available to all website visitors.]
Don't forget that we need your help in taking back the country, especially after you understand how it's being taken away from you.
Here is the link for RSS/Update Subscribers to the pdf copy of Saving Main Street and Its Retailers Read or Download Saving Main Street and Its Retailers
Self Employment - To Avoid the Evil Economic Trio of Outsourcing, Globalization and Declining Standard of Living - Option to Read or Download
This book explain how workers or employees are highly vulnerable to the sophisticated illegal activities taking place. Multinational employers don't really want them as employees, and whatever job one now has is probably part of a multinational study on how merger and outsourcing can add hundreds of millions of dollars to the profits of a large multinational corporation and its corporate officials, shareholders, bankers, lawyers, accountants and investment bankers while you and the other employees wind up with no job, no money, no opportunity, no hope and no idea of what happened to you. This book will let you know what is happening to you, and encourage you to sidestep the juggernaut of the Evil Economic Trio to give you a better chance of economic survival - BY SELF EMPLOYMENT. At the same time, I discuss (as someone with half a lifetime involved in schooling, either as a student, teacher or school owner) how higher education is no longer a sound investment at least when costs are involved, and a strategy for you to get into self employment before getting whatever college education you require. To sum it up, the ever-increasing costs of higher education, coupled with the fact that the largest employers are looking to replace their employees through outsourcing with personnel from India, China or some other country, and the legal fact that you cannot get rid of student loans in bankruptcy LEADS ANY RATIONAL PERSON TO THE CONCLUSION that self employment and selective, low-priced educational services (perhaps through a $1/hour college equivalency program in your locality) is going to be far more valuable to you than the old career path of expensive college, post graduate work, employment with a major corporation, and job security and retirement benefits after putting in your 30 years of work for the employer. Wake Up! They no longer want you and are doing away with benefits and jobs and security and your American Dream. You can only resist this by becoming self employed, and by helping me and others try to take back the United States from these economy killers.
Here is the link for RSS/Update Subscribers to the pdf copy of Saving Main Street and Its Retailers Read or Download Self Employment - To Avoid the Evil Economic Trio of Outsourcing, Globalization and Declining Standard of Living
A Law Career Is the Smart Way - To Avoid the Evil Economic Trio of Outsourcing, Globalization and Declining Standard of Living - Option to Read or Download
The third book in my trilogy was the first book to be written. It is written for anyone thinking about a career in law, or anyone currently in law school, or anyone who has recently graduated from law school (for no more than 6 years, or so). I wrote the book to pass on many of the techniques or "secrets" I have learned in more than 40 years of legal experience, going up against the largest law firms and largest corporations in the world. I want others to be able to do what I'm doing, and I want to pave the way for them by pointing out things they need to do, things they need to avoid, and other sound advice from someone who has had more experience in standing up to the largest corporations in court (as to their antitrust violations) than almost any other person in the United States or perhaps world. Undoubtedly, there will be government antitrust lawyers who will say that they have been doing the same thing, but the truth is that they have been doing nothing, and they have not been allowed to do anything, except collect their salaries and stamp their bureaucratic approval to virtually each and every one of the tens of thousands of mergers that have been presented to them for approval. The result is that the monopolies are in full charge, and the effect of this is globalization, outsourcing, loss of your job or reduction in hourly rate, loss of your business opportunities and loss of the standard of living for 98% of the citizens and residents of this country.
A law career is a career choice where something can be done about America's problem. It also represents one of the best self-employment opportunities in America, with much higher income expectations than most other careers, which also means that by sacrificing some of the income potential a concerned law professional could devote some of his/her time to running for office, becoming a town attorney general and/or helping me in my campaign to become New York Attorney General to put me in a position to help us all, by gaining the 2nd most powerful office in the United States.
Here is the link for RSS/Update Subscribers to the pdf copy of A Law Career Is the Smart Way - To Avoid the Evil Economic Trio of Outsourcing, Globalization and Declining Standard of Living Read or Download Saving Main Street and Its Retailers
40 Election Issues: 1-Line Description (Statewide Office)
40 Election Issues: Full Discussion (Statewide Office)
16 Election Issues (Town/Village Office)
NY AG - The 2nd Most Powerful Office in U.S.
New Revenue-Source Article for Mayors of 18,500 Towns/Villages
Person's Books, Websites, Graphics
How You Can Help Carl Person Get Elected as NY Attorney General